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Calgarypuck Rates the Flames

Position: Center

There were five centers included in the Calgarypuck analysis: Marc Savard, Jason Wiemer, Daniel Tkaczuk, Clarke Wilm and Marty Murray.

The Sun rating only included three of these players, leaving out Tkaczuk and Murray as neither have played a regular role from the start of the season. With the absence of a rating for these two players no analysis between the two polls can be done. However, it is interesting to note that Calgarypuck's panel rated Tkaczuk above Clarke Wilm. 

Marc Savard:

Calgarypuck Rating: 78.0
Sun Rating: 16.0 (adjusted 64.0)
Calgarypuck Average: 3.90
Calgarypuck Minimum: 3.5
Calgarypuck Maximum: 4.5


Savard was the highest rated player in the Calgarypuck poll for the Flames. The Sun had him at the same rating as Bobby Holik (NJ), and Todd Marchant (Edm).

Jason Wiemer:

Calgarypuck Rating: 64.0
Sun Rating: 11.5 (adjusted 46.0)
Calgarypuck Average: 3.20
Calgarypuck Minimum: 2.5
Calgarypuck Maximum: 4.0


Wiemer was the Flames second highest rated center in the Calgarypuck poll, and 7th overall in the team rankings. Wiemer is located well down the Sun rankings with the likes of Josef Beranek (Pit) and Jim Dowd (Min).

Daniel Tkaczuk:

Calgarypuck Rating: 56.5
Sun Rating: No Rating
Calgarypuck Average: 2.83
Calgarypuck Minimum: 2.0
Calgarypuck Maximum: 4.0


Daniel Tkaczuk wasn't rated in the Sun poll. He was the third highest rated center in the Calgarypuck poll, and the 11th overall player.

Clarke Wilm:

Calgarypuck Rating: 43.5
Sun Rating: 11.5 (adjusted 46.0)
Calgarypuck Average: 2.18
Calgarypuck Minimum: 1.0
Calgarypuck Maximum: 3.0


Clarke Wilm was the fourth highest ranked center, and the 18th ranked player on the Calgary Flames according to the Calgarypuck poll. The Sun had Wilm listed as a right wing, and rated in the range of other players like Dmitri Kristich (Wha), and Daniel Cleary (Edm).

Marty Murray:

Calgarypuck Rating: 19.5
Sun Rating: No Rating
Calgarypuck Average: 1.00
Calgarypuck Minimum: 0.5
Calgarypuck Maximum: 2.0


Murray only played a handful of games to start the season in Calgary. He was the fifth ranked center and 26th player overall in the Calgarypuck poll. He wasn't rated in the Sun poll.